Tuesday, February 12, 2013

French Pharmacy Top Picks: Review #2

As a continuation to the first review I posted, here is the second product on my french favourites list. It's called Homeoplasmine, and it's a multi-use homeopathic ointment loved my many top make-up artists. According to Gwyneth Paltrow: "Meant for skin irritations, it's also a life-saver when it comes to dry, winter-ravaged skin."   I don't know about you, but my skin takes a beating during the harsh Canadian winters, and is as dry as sandpaper if I don't care for it properly.  Other reviews sounded convincing, so I added to my growing list of things to pick up on my Parisian vacation.  I figured that at about 6 euros a pop, I couldn't afford not to try the stuff that everyone was talking about. 

I'm glad I picked up the extra large tube, and the only regret I have is not grabbing a few more. Formulated with plant extracts and emollients, Homeoplasmine delivers on its promise to moisturize and hydrate. The ingredients are gentle enough for sensitive skin, and in fact, Parisians swear by it to help heal diaper rash. Lately, I've been applying this to my face in the mornings and it really protects my skin against the blowing wind and sub-zero temperatures.  I also really like that it mattifies and gives my skin a smooth appearance, without making it look greasy. It absorbs quickly, and the results last for hours - no more flaky, dry skin, which is amazing. 

But it doesn't end there.  The ointment also makes an excellent lip primer, so I usually slather it on before I leave the house, and then reapply my Ciafine balm as necessary when I'm out (I prefer the glossiness and transportable size of the Ciafine for daytime). Since Homeoplasmine is also mildy antiseptic, it may be used to treat irritations like mild burns and acne.  From what I understand, it's the equivalent of our Polysporin over here.

Similar to Avibon, Homesplasmine is impossible to find in Toronto, at least that's what I've found so far.  It sells for around $30 on Amazon for a 40g tube, which is expensive when you compare that to how much it sells for in Paris.  However, if it came down to either running out or paying extra online, I would definitely suck it up and order it.  Would not want to be without this product, that is for sure!

If you have ever used or heard of this product, I would love to hear your comments :). Until next time! xo

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