Sunday, October 29, 2006

Big Storm Pics

Freak snowstorm blamed for 3 deaths in Buffalo - News Staff

At least three deaths in Buffalo are being blamed on a powerful autumn snow storm....two people were killed in weather-related traffic accidents, while a third person died after being hit by a falling tree limb while shoveling snow.

The nearby town of Fort Erie, Ont. has called a state of emergency, as residents find themselves without power and roads blocked by fallen trees. A leisure complex is open overnight to provide people with cots and warm meals.

As much as 30 centimetres of snow fell on some regions of southwestern Ontario, and almost 60 centimetres covered sections of western New York and Buffalo, making it that city's worst storm in 137 years.

Video footage of Buffalo's airport showed the nose of a massive jetliner tipped into the air, as heavy snow weighed down the aircraft's tail.

In Fort Erie and Welland, where the storm was at its fiercest on the Canadian side, residents were bracing for more lake-effect snow on Friday as weather analysts predicted the region could receive another 15 centimetres.
Environment Canada described the wintry blast as "significant snowfalls of historic proportions.''
The heavy snowfall and winds of up to 90 kilometres an hour caused tree branches to snap onto power lines, leading to power outages from Port Colborne to Fort Erie, Ont.

Environment Canada meteorologist Geoff Coulson said the early October storm is historic.
"I've been looking into the records of Fort Erie ... this amount of snow, this early in the season, I couldn't find anything even approaching it, as far back as 1870," he told CTV.

This is what my Mom's boyfriend Geoff had to say about the event:

"Thought I'd send you a few pics of what it's like here after the storm. The photo titles should be self-explanatory.

I guess you've been talking to Sandy and know that everything is back to normal there.

I got a half inch of water in my basement, so my carpets are toast. ServiceMaster pulled out the carpets on Monday night, which is just as well as they were beginning to stink. However I only had half power until Thursday morning, so ServiceMaster only just dropped off drying fans an hour ago. Guess it will be a week or two until my basement is restored (by the insurance company), but I'm not going to complain. Lots of people are worse off. Buffalo still has 30,000 homes without power.

Two doors up from me my neighbour had 2' of sewer back-up in the basement. Gross!! They had the same thing four years ago during the last extended blackout..."

And that is that reason why I grew up despising winter, especially lake-effect snow (unless the schools were closed, of course).

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I LOVE the summer but....

This post is for everyone who loves my blog as much as I do. The reason for my hiatus is simply the unrelenting heat. I sweat just conceiving about what to right.....err, I mean write. See? I can't think! For as long as this dreadful humidity continues, I will remain in a state of stupidity. I'm sorry to all of you who are entertained during a mundane day at the office by my stories...haha, I sound so conceited! And I still have people who love me!

Just one last comment before I toss and turn all night from being clammy and uncomfortable...I will be posting pics along with a brief description of Sar and James' bbq that I went to over the weekend. It was the most delicious meal I've had all summer and I can't wait to subtlety invite myself over sometime soon!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

And the Winner of the Best Romantic Comedy Goes To...

....Failure to Launch! I know, I know....when it comes to suggesting a great movie, I've disappointed a lot of people (let's just say some of my favourites include Cruel Intentions, Great Blue Sea, and Coyote Ugly) and have even left them questioning our friendship. (:). Well ladies, put your trust in me one last time because I am certain that you will enjoy this whimsical chick flick!

Candace and I reunited after almost a week apart and decided to rent a movie. As we were both in the mood for something playful, we ended up choosing Failure to Launch starring Mathew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker. Without divulging the entire plot, the movie is about a thirty-something slacker (McConaughey) who suspects that his parents are setting him up with his dream girl (Parker) in order to get him to move out of their house.

What an excellent choice we made...this movie is a riot from start to finish! Cand. and I both agreed that Kit, a role played by actress Zooey Deschanel, deserves two thumbs up for her performance in the film. Girls, if you are reading this I was slapping Cand. on the knee throughout the entire movie, so you know what that means! Entertainment at its finest ...5/5 stars!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Friendship From A Distance

The only explanation for this stiff picture is that one of us must have had really bad B.O. or bad breath! Better yet, one of us was paranoid that we smelled, which would be very likely knowing us. The photo does not reveal any indication of our history, which began as two young students at Western. We've been through everything together, from our Jane Fonda exercise craze to having panic attacks at Richie's Family Restaurant, plus everything inbetween. We've shared lots of laughs, and probably even more moments which are accompanied by blank stares. Haha, it's been wonderful. Cheers to you and I, Sar!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Clueless About Canada

I received this email from one of my roommates and spent the next two days erupting into laughter. Now it's your turn.

Now that Vancouver has won the chance to host the 2010 Winter Olympics, people from around the world are asking questions about Canada. These questions were posted on an International Tourism Website:

Q: I have never seen it warm on Canadian TV, so how do the plants grow?(UK)
A. We import all plants fully grown and then just sit around and watch them die.

Q: Will I be able to see Polar Bears in the street? (USA)
A: Depends on how much you've been drinking.

Q: I want to walk from Vancouver to Toronto-can I follow the Railroad tracks?(Sweden)
A: Sure, it's only Four thousand miles, take lots of water.

Q: Are there any ATM's(cash machines) in Canada? Can you send me a list of them in Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton and Halifax? (UK)
A: What did your last slave die of?

Q: Are there supermarkets in Toronto and is milk available all year round? (Germany)
A: No, we are a peaceful civilization of Vegan hunters/gatherers. Milk is illegal.

I feel sorry for those idiots. May the Lord be with them.