Sunday, July 16, 2006

I LOVE the summer but....

This post is for everyone who loves my blog as much as I do. The reason for my hiatus is simply the unrelenting heat. I sweat just conceiving about what to right.....err, I mean write. See? I can't think! For as long as this dreadful humidity continues, I will remain in a state of stupidity. I'm sorry to all of you who are entertained during a mundane day at the office by my stories...haha, I sound so conceited! And I still have people who love me!

Just one last comment before I toss and turn all night from being clammy and uncomfortable...I will be posting pics along with a brief description of Sar and James' bbq that I went to over the weekend. It was the most delicious meal I've had all summer and I can't wait to subtlety invite myself over sometime soon!

1 comment:

Lona said...

You weren't kidding about having writers block from the heat ;) Just bugging, write when you want. But don't forget how nice it is!