Monday, May 17, 2010

work stalker

When Ad forwarded this message to me from his friend, the email was just too hilarious to keep to myself. I couldn't resist sharing!

Latest email from mike's stalker chick at work AHAH


I want to tell you this ,
you've always been a good friend for me (eventhough it has been a work - boarder friendship , i like it.)
i have tried being a good friend for you either.
sometimes it makes me so (let's say) jelous when i see you are showing off your other (s) friend (s) to me.
when i bring something , it is just for you , and i like to do this for you , as a friend .
....... you brought croiscent , I thought it was just for me ,
but you didn't even let me to believe it for few hours and being happy ,
why Mike ?

bye "

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