Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ideal sunday in the ideal city

I love Sunday's for so many reasons, but mostly because it's the one day that's always set aside for Addy and I to spend time together. This Sunday was extra special, and deserved an entry of its own. Like most Sundays, or fun-days, today started off with staying up late the night before so that we have an excuse to sleep in. The website, Damn You Auto-Correct, is making me sleep-deprived, but the hilariousness of the site is totally worth it. Anyway, after our morning ritual of general laziness, I suggested brunch at Okay Okay Diner. This idea very well-received by Mr. Hard-to-Please, so we wasted no time getting ready and headed off to Leslieville's most popular breakfast spot. Feeling stuffed and excited about the summer-like weather, Ad and I both agreed that we should hop on our bikes, with our first stop being Mountain Equipment Co-op. Lucky for me, x-small bike helmets for peaheads were on clearance - score!!

A number of factors led us to the movie theatre at Richmond and Queen to catch the matinee showing of "The Raid Redemption," then to the giant chapters next door to pick-up tickets to Gotye's sold-out show this Saturday. So very excited about that! Stay tuned for my not-so-professional review.

My cousin texted me saying she was in the city for the day at Kensington Market, a neighbourhood known for its hippy feel and impressive variety of restaurants and markets. No luck finding them there, but fortunately Ad and I were able to meet up with them later at the distillery district. What a day!

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